I have been trying to analyze 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from starch.For this,I have to use DMSO to get good product selectivity,a halide catalyst and an ionic-liquid[EMIMCl/BMIMCl] to make the resulting solvent less viscous and improve the catalytic effieciency.However,after repeated use the HPLC suffers increase in pressure even after flushing with good amount of mobile phase(80:20 methanol:water) .The literature says that DMSO is not harmful to C-18 column if methanol is used as the mobile phase.It can only cause a little flunctuations in retention times.
My query is that- Is DMSO really not safe to be used in injection samples?Also,I was filtering & diluting my samples 1:1 before HPLC analysis.Will further dilutions reduce the risk of probable column damage?