17 March 2016 12 401 Report

Hi all,

Thanks for your attention. I have had problems with my cloning even though I have tried different trouble shooting tips from many other similar topics. That's why I decide to ask.

My experiment: I try to do multiple ligation with 2 fragments into 1 vector. Fragment 1 (1kb): has EcoRI restriction site and XbaI restriction site on either end. Fragment 2 (3.6kb): has XbaI restriction site and BamHI site on either end. Vector (3.8kb) has been cut with EcoRI and BamHI. 

What I have done:

1. Primer design for my 2 fragments: I have checked many times before ordering my primers and 100% sure that I have a region for restriction enzyme binding (8 nt), restriction site, compatible region (18nt) for my gene of interest.

2.PCR and digestion:

I tried all possible options I can think of: (a) PCR >> Digestion >> clean up >> ligation >> Transformation. (b) PCR >> clean up >> Digestion >> clean up >> Ligation >> Transformation. For clean up, I tried from using the kit (PCR clean up kit from QIAGEN, Gel purification from QIAGEN, Ethanol precipitation). I checked my fragments before ligation and pretty sure there's no degradation as well as non specific digestion occurred.

3. Vector Digestion:

I did double digestion for my vector using EcoRI and BamHI, follow by gel purification (I did see the small fragment cut from vector on the gel as well). I also dephosphorylated my cut vector using CIP from NEB followed by ethanol precipitation.

4. Ligation:

I used T4 ligase from NEB, I aliquot ligation buffer with small amount into different tubes when first time melt (the whole aliquot process was done on ice and only took 5-10 minutes).

I used 100ng of cut vector and the molar ratio for fragment 1:fragment 2:cut vector was varying from 1:1:1 to 10:10:1. I did found a cloning topic where people suggest using 60:1 ratio. I did try that but still get problem.

I also compared with/without PEG to increase ligation efficiency (but also reduce transformation efficiency). 

I tried both 16 degree as well as 22 degree incubation, with varying time from 4 hours to overnight without ligase inactivation at the end.

Along with this ligation, I included couple controls under same conditions mentioned above: 

(a) Cut vector without insert: To check if I have uncut vector left over.

(b) Cut vector with insert but no T4 ligase

(c) pUC19 digested with EcoRI and BamHI: To check if my multiple ligation works, for this I will check using X-gal Blue/White selection

5. Transformation:

I made my own DH5a competent cells and checked transformation efficiency before use. It was 7.35x108 cfu, which I believe is good enough for cloning. 

What I've got so far:

+ Control (a): Cut vector without insert: I don't see any colony grow. From my point of view, it was a good sign because I did double digestion using different restriction enzymes.

+ Control (b): Cut vector with fragments but no ligase: I don't see any colony either, since I dephosphorylated my vector, I think no colony grow in this control is acceptable.

+ Control (c) pUC19 with insertion: I see white colonies, which give me the hope that my multiple ligation works. However, when I miniprep and check on the gel, I see plasmid from those white colonies are in the same size with my original pUC 19 plasmid, which means there's no insertion => This make me feel really bad.

+ My ligation: I get similar issue with control (c). I saw colonies. I did colony PCR and got many positive result. However, after miniprep and gel run, I still get plasmid with the same size as my uncut vector, which again means there's no insertion and the positive colony PCR was just false positive.

I believe many of you might have similar issue now or in the past. So if you can share any of your experience with me, I really appreciate that. 

Thank you in advance

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