Hello, I've been doing protein purification more in the lab and I want a better understanding of the technique. I've been looking into it on my own but was wondering if anyone knew of a good resource maybe I haven't found yet. Thank you!
Hi Sidney,
I believe you've already read some textbooks (Lehninger, etc). Not sure if you've read this one, but it's really informative:
Also, I like to show all the students (or interested people in general) this tool:
It's very good, you can practice the ideas and the concepts.
Dear Sydney Allen
i don't know a single comprensive resource about protein purification but i can provide you some links that i found interesting:
more details about IMAC and Ni-NTA are avaialble into the Qiagen Qiaexpressionist
In my blog proteoCool in the protein purification section
you can also find some video about IMAC
and in the following video
beetween minute 7'30 and 8'00 a table with a list of tags used for affinity purification.
This list miss the proteinA, proteinG those are used for affinity purification of antibodies.
i hope that some of this informations may be helpfull to you
good luck
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