I have run the TD-PCR in Bio-Rad Icycler IQ instrument but I can't get one band while I can get one band in conventional TD-PCR. May I have the advice from the experts here? Thank you.
Cycle 1: (1X)
Step 1: 95.0 °C for 10:00.
Cycle 2: (10X)
Step 1: 94.0 °C for 00:45.
Step 2: 55.0 °C for 00:30.
Increase set point temperature after cycle 2 by -1.0 °C
Step 3: 72.0 °C for 00:45.
Cycle 3: (35X)
Step 1: 94.0 °C for 00:45.
Step 2: 50.0 °C for 00:30.
Data collection and real-time analysis enabled.
Step 3: 72.0 °C for 00:45.
Cycle 4: (1X)
Step 1: 95.0 °C for 01:00.
Cycle 5: (1X)
Step 1: 55.0 °C for 01:00.
Cycle 6: (61X)
Step 1: 65.0 °C-95.0 °C for 00:10.
Increase set point temperature after cycle 2 by 0.5 °C
Melt curve data collection and analysis enabled.