
I am following PCR cloning procedure. I have been attempting to ligate a 700 bp gene into pET28a vector using restriction enzymes NdeI and EcoRI, and transform it into E. coli DH5alpha competent cells. I have prepared the CaCl2 competent cells myself and I am getting decent number of colonies when transforming undigested vector. However, I have not been able to transform the ligated product despite trying repeatedly.

This is the procedure I am following:

Restriction Digestion Reaction: 37 degree C - 30 minutes

Nuclease-Free Water 12 µL

10X Buffer 4 µL

DNA 20 µL

NdeI 2 µL

EcoRI 2 µL

Restriction inactivation: 80 degrees for 20 minutes

Ligation Reaction: 22 degree C - 30 minutes

Vector 10µL

Insert 2.5µL

Buffer 2µL

Ligase 0.2µL

NFW 5.3µL

Ligation inactivation: 70 degrees for 5 mintues


10 microlitres of ligated product in 200 microlitres of comp. cells.

I would appreciate ideas on where the problem might be and how to fix it.

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