In Bio-fluids (blood serum, milk, urine, culture medium), the miRNA present in micro-vessicle called also known as circular miRNA.....
For isolataion of circular/exosomal miRNA from any bio-fluids, You can use ExoQuick-TC/Exoquick and SeramiR miRNA isolation kit, it is very convenient..... Company name- System Bioscience, USA
mirVana kit works really well (Ambion). or- if you are interested in exosomal fraction (that has substantial fraction of total microRNA)- use Total exosome isolation reagent (for corresponding body fluid), then Total exosome RNA/protein isolation kit (Invitrogen)
If you are interested in RNA in the liquid component of your samples, I'd suggest simply performing a phenol-chloroform extraction. There are tons of protocols out there and it is as fast as and a lot cheaper than using a commercial kit.
If you first have to lyse the cell-fraction in your samples, you have to add a cell lysis step. I'd recommend using TRIzol® Reagent for this. Again, should be cheaper than a kit and equally quick to perform.