I want to find a colored filter glass that combined from a low- and high-pass filter to support 780 nm wavelength by 10 or 15 nm accuracy in peak of transition.
Not sure what you mean. Are you looking for a filter transmitting 780nm and something either side. Does it have to block 100% other wavelengths further away?
Can't see what this is to do with comfort.
Such a bandpass filter would inevitably be an interference filter.
If you would be more precise in telling us the purpose of your desired filter, we could probably be of more help. It seems that you do not want to clean the output of a 780 nm laser. If you want to filter out a spectral region around 780 nm with about 30 nm FWHM then you may think in using a combination of a shortpass edge and a longpass edge filter, e.g.:
As attached file you can see the result (transmission curve, dotted red line) if both filters are used together (I have approximately overlapped the two curves in the region of interest). The transmission region is not ideal, however, the transmission region on the lower wavelength side can be changed slightly by tuning the angle of the filter from 90 degrees incidence to lower values - by this you may obtain an ideal filter for your purpose with about 30 nm FWHM.
Both filters are quite cheap: 90$ each, so the combination is 180$ only.
I am not quite sure whether or not these filters are slightly wavelength tunable by tilding the incidence angle. You may ask the manufacturers first, however, probably the sketched set-up with the two (untilted) filters is sufficient for your purpose.