I want to make a 3D model of human foot from 2 X-rays in MATLAB. Can anyone help me in how should i go about to achieve it. I want to do something as shown in the picture below. Please suggest some way.
That's impossible. Uhm... better: According to my very limited experience and narrow understanding of reality, it's very unlikely to achieve that.
You simply cannot create a "true" higher dimensional image from only two lower dimensional images. It's a question of math: there's an infinite number of possible solutions. The more 2D images you have, taken from different projection angles, the better you can approximate the 3D image (that's how CT image reconstruction works). Maybe you can /guess/ how the 3D image /could/ look like, but the less 2D images you have, the more notional the result would be.
However, if you have a standard model of a human foot with all bones, muscles etc., than you could measure structures in the 2D X-rays and carry over the values to the model. This could produce quite a good approximation.
I guess that your example picture works the other way: the 2D X-rays were probably calculated from the 3D image (-> digitally reconstructed radiographs, DRRs).
Axel Newe please check this link. I am referring to something like this. But this work is only related to Femur and Tibia and i want to work for a foot.
Generally, that website and the article linked there (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11548-014-1097-6) follow the approach I brought to mind: take a model ("bone template") and modify it according to x-ray measurements. This is relatively simple to achieve as long as only one bone is in focus. A complete foot, however, consists of more than 20 bones that occlude each other. I think you would need at least two x-rays (1 top-down projection for metatarsus and phalanges; 1 lateral projection for the tarsus).
Maybe you can get foot bone models from BodyParts3D (http://lifesciencedb.jp/bp3d/?lng=en).