15 Questions 65 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Parth Shah
I am working on a program to determine the Area in Sq.mm from Sq.pixels in MATLAB. by image processing I am no able to find the exact area in Sq.mm I have following details. 1mm=26pixels Total...
04 April 2015 10,085 13 View
I am trying to segment a specific region in an image. I am able to achieve good segmentation results. After segmentation I wanted to create a square incorporating the whole segmented area. How...
04 April 2015 473 4 View
I would like to calculate the angle between any two points in an image in MATLAB. What I wish to do is to select a point and then create a vector by dragging the cursor till a centre point...
04 April 2015 3,833 3 View
I am very new with 3D Modelling. I want to learn to make Parametric models where in a basic model can be modified as and how dimensions are entered by user. Which would be best software for it...
02 February 2015 6,080 8 View
I wish to create a Projection of Image. As in I have an outline of foot. Which is a binary image. I wish to create a 3D projection of it. I have side view and foot outline. If I project the two...
02 February 2015 8,093 12 View
I want to find the maximum distance between two points in a polygon made in MATLAB using roipoly. Then I want to find another line which is longest and which is perpendicular to the line joining...
02 February 2015 4,568 5 View
I have worked on MATLAB image and signal processing but I have never worked on 3D modelling and processing in MATLAB. As a beginner how should I start? Any EBooks or reference websites? Also if...
01 January 2015 6,894 3 View
I am looking for developing a GUI in MATLAB to edit parameters of a 3D .stl file. The major commands that need to be included are: 1. Browse: To select the .stl file 2. View. To display the 3D...
01 January 2015 9,064 0 View
I have developed a MATLAB based GUI program. I want to develop an Android application for the same. Are there any software that will directly help me transform MATLAB GUI into an Android...
01 January 2015 3,847 8 View
I am working on programming on detection of foot ulcers from foot images. What I am looking for to do is to Segment the Image in such a way that the ulcer is detected and an indicative...
01 January 2015 4,151 2 View
I want to read and display .stl files in MATLAB using a GUI and I also want to modify certain dimensions of the 3D image in it and then export it in .stl format again. Can anyone help me? Please...
12 December 2014 2,200 2 View
I would like to know various techniques used for measurement of foot parameters like foot length, width, navicular height, etc. used in medical purpose and also in shoe making industries. Please...
12 December 2014 3,039 4 View
I want to make a 3D model of human foot from 2 X-rays in MATLAB. Can anyone help me in how should i go about to achieve it. I want to do something as shown in the picture below. Please suggest...
11 November 2014 3,145 7 View
I have data of a right and left feet of few individuals which I have calculated manually as well as using a software program. List of data is given below. Can you please suggest which statistical...
11 November 2014 1,333 14 View
What should be the most easiest approach to analyse foot pressure and knee loading during osteoarthritis? Any software for analysis of it?
08 August 2014 4,568 4 View