Dear all,
Actually, I am working with AriaMx Real-time PCR System. I read the protocol of this device and following that to work but unfortunately, I don't know why I can not get any results.
I mean that I mix the water (8 microliters), master mix (10 microliters), DNA template (2 microliters) and F & R primers (each one of them 2.5 microliters), and putting in the device. then, I set the regulation of the device ( as recommended in the protocol) and run the experiment. But after even 20 or 30 cycles I can not see any curve (for CYBR green) related to DNA copy increase and after finishing of the experiment it seems that DNA is not copied and not increased. do you know what is the problem? I should say that the annealing temperature of my primers in normal PCR is 59 C. that is why I just change this temperature with the device recommended time (20 sec). another recommended regulation of device is Denaturing temperature in 95 C (15 sec) and Elongation temperature in 72 (30 sec). Do you know what is the problem?
Thanks all.