I have been trying to set up a diabetes mouse model in the lab. I decided to use streptozotocin, since it appeared to be straightforward and most importantly, cheap. However, when I tried the single high dose protocol (150mg/kg) either my animals did not get diabetes at all or they had very high levels of blood sugar and died within a few days. Reduction of the dose to 120mg/kg resulted in no elevation of blood sugar in any animal. With the low dose multiple injection protocol 50mg/kg, i.p. 5 times, I got animals that had blood sugar level between 12-17. After a few weeks some animals went back to being below 13. Only one animals had blood sugar level of 30mMol/L.

All animals were fasted for 4 hours prior to injections, drug was dissolved and injections performed within 15 minutes. Buffer was made daily a few hours before injection.

I was wondering if I am missing information.

Can anyone suggest a transgenic mouse models for diabetes (I or II) that would be good to look for CNS effects?

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