Hi, I'm doing amino acids of animals feed. I used Jajic et al. (2013) 's methods for the acid hydrolysis. Briefly, I will mix 0.5 gram of samples with 7 ml of 6 molars HCl-phenol solution, flush with N2 gas and heat in oven at 110 'c for 24 hours.
Then I will dry the acid to a small amount by rotary evaporator at 40 'c. The question is after this what kind of buffer/solvent should I used to dilute the solution to 50 ml?
AOAC suggested sodium citrate buffer (pH 2.2), however, that was mean for an amino acids analyzer. Meanwhile, Agilent recommended the Poroshell HPH-C18 column, rated for longer column lifespan under high pH operation due to derivatization with OPA/FMOC.
I want to know under my choices of instruments (column and derivatization reagents) and samples preparation, what kind of buffer/solvent would you recommend? In addition, which kind of materials of syringe filter will you used for that samples before injection into HPLC?
Thank you all.