For the last 2 weeks I have been trying to clone a PCR product into a vector digested with blunt PmeI. I digest the vector for about 6-8 hours, then add CIP to prevent religation. Next, vector is purified with a kit and DNA concentration measured. The PCR products are prepared using Phusion Polymerase, purified using kit, phosphorylated with T4PNK for about 1-2 hours and then inactivated at 65C for another 1-2 hours. I do not purify the PCR after reaction with T4PNK, and just use it after inactivation for about 5-8 hours ligation at RT.

The vector to insert molar ratio is 1:10 for 10ul ligation reaction. I transform with the whole 10ul volume. I tried to transform DH5Alpha chem. competent, TOP10 electro and chem competent, XL10Gold chem. competent, and the result was the same, no colonies on insert ligation plates. I want to add that I'm cloning 5 different inserts at once and every time prepare controls which is: + (vector, buffer, ligase, and water), -(vector, buffer, and water).

Interestingly, I'm getting colonies on my control(+/-) plates with greater number on (-) control! Also, I've changed ligase and ligase buffer, which had no effect. I did blunt end cloning before with the same methodology and never had this much of trouble. Any suggestions?

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