My Western blot has a very peculiar problem. After producing a almost perfect WB a month ago the middle of my subsequent blots would show less intense bands/no band even when I loaded the gel with the same volume of the same sample from the same tube. I have tried changing gels, changing PVDF membranes, changing transfer conditions, new transfer fiber pads or modules. The way I put together the transfer sandwich was checked by other people. I even tried reducing the input protein 20X and different ways to add the chemiluminescent substrate on the Chemidoc visualizer in case it was a burn-out issue but to no avail.
I have performed a blot where I mix pre-stained protein standard markers along with the sample in every well of the gel and it showed that my transfer was fine (See Fig 1), but I still have the same problem in the end (Fig 2 - same vol of the sample from the same tube in each well). I use commercial blocking agent and I use enough antibody volume to almost float the blot in trays.
My protocol:
Apparatus: Bio-rad Mini Trans Blot (older model), PVDF membrane, Mini-Protean TDX 4-20% gel (Bio-Rad). Running and transfer buffers from Bio-Rad. Clarity Western ECL substrate (Bio-Rad).
Antibody=Thermo Anti-HA-HRP conjugated 1 in 5000
Gel ran at 200V 30 min. Equilibrate for 20-45 min. Transfer: Wet/tank transfer 30V 2 hours or 100 V 1 hour in ice.
Maybe someone else has had the same problem. Really appreciate any help I can get.