I have been trying to find some tools to apply statistics to my data. But most of the tools like OriginLab, PRISM, etc. are paid tools. Can anyone please suggest some free tools that can help in data analysis?
There are numerous graphical user interfaces available that use R for statistical analyses. Abolfazl Ghoodjani already mentioned "jamovi", for instance. There should be something suiting your needs.
If this is a one-off analysis, then you can ask for the free trial version of Minitab, which lasts for about a month.
However, if you will be doing many statistical analysis in the future, it is worth learning to use R. There are so many brilliantly-produced free resources on R that the learning will pay off.
But if: (i) you are so averse to learning to code, which R demands; (ii) and don't want to be paying for the software you mentioned; (iii) and not interested in other similar tools already suggested above; then perhaps you can try Microsoft Excel (though it does have a few pitfalls for statistical analysis.)
You should take the time to invest in yourself. We all had to learn coding, if it was something like C or C++ I would understand your reservations but Rstudio and Python are not too abstract for someone to learn. I find that doing histograms with Python/Rstudio much easier than Excel. Learning these GUI stats packages to me are a game of dimnishing return, whereas if you put in the time to learn Python/Rstudio you will be rewarded much more for your troubles especially in the long term! No pain no gain.
Can Kiessling – GUI interfaces for R like JASP and jamovi have a number of powerful advantages. Notably that the the data are always consistent. Any change to a value of a variable results in recalculation of all dependent values and results. Secondly, the precise commands used to generate any result can be recalled by clicking the output. And thirdly all your notes and commentary can be inserted into the results, and everything is contained within the analytic dataset.
This makes for transparent, auditable data and analysis.
You do not need to be "very good" or even "good" to get good use out of these tools. Rstudio and Python are relatively straightforward to learn, if you learn Python first Rstudio becomes much, much easier to learn. But you could go for Rstudio first if the tools/statspackages in Rstudio are enough to suit your needs, Rstudio's syntax is relatively straightforward. There are many tutorials available on youtube and google search for all these languages but be aware that the quality of content is highly varied- from great to bad/time waster tutorials exist. It's part of the journey to go through these tutorials and build your skills. I didn't know how to code until 2020, now I can comfortably take huge excel sheets and run histograms, bargraphs and all sort of statistical test with a few lines of code. Once you reach a certain point, it just comes easier to do things via R/Python rather than excel spreadsheets. I don't even think about excel anymore since 2020.
Give freecodecamp youtube's Rstudio a chance, they are a good general entry point and have decent instructors