As oppose to publications? No. In a manner of speaking, a reviewer collaborates with the author/s of a work to improve it, irrespective of its publication to a journal.
there are many in fact, to mention but some of them; you become known worldwide, you read the latest researches in your field before others, you get to better know how papers are reviewed and what reviewers focus on.
Being a reviewer has many benefits such as but not limited to opening your mind to innovative research ideas and helping you keep up to date with the most recent publications in your field.
As oppose to publications? No. In a manner of speaking, a reviewer collaborates with the author/s of a work to improve it, irrespective of its publication to a journal.
Nevertheless, there are cases in which a review may be a grasp in the wrong direction. Of course there are ways to deal with such unpleasant situations. Sometimes, it is purposeful for authors to notify the editors for the matter, based on proper argumentation.
Being a reviewer is honor and difinitly get more information in your will be famous around the world with motivate to write more papers.........
The major benefit of being references for scientific journals with good impact factor is that we are familiar with the latest research in the areas in which we are interested or are looking at.
Being a reveiwer helps so much in knowing the last ideas and research tasks people over the world are working on; also, it is interesting to know the authors and to have in mind a network of researchers over the world and their respective working field and instituions. It's also a recognition since you're considered as an expert in the field that the journal covers ... Is is one way of keep learning even you're an expert. Best wishes.
It can improve our knowledge and have the opportunity to stay tuned with recent updates in the field. It can help us to achieve good positions in academia.
It will help researchers to have diverse knowledge on several area of research, and can also help a researchers to publish their articles at a cheaper rate from the journal been review for, and lastly the reviewer can also make some stipends per paper reviewed from some publishers.
If you are referring to a reviewer of scientific journal publications, books or related articles (ps, it is best if you are an expert in the required field), then it can help show you (or make you more aware of) the current state of 'real world' training and research being performed. *An opportunity is provided to assist other researchers both articulate and present their methods and data so it can be better understood by others.