10 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lyes Benharrat
Dear researchers, Could someone propose a technique for phase identification of any sample other than XRD ? Thanks in advence.
13 April 2021 9,007 6 View
Dear scientists, Could anyone explain the effect of crystallite size (decreasing to reach few nanometers scale) of inorganic phosphor materials on the line-shape of the emission bands...
13 September 2020 1,031 3 View
Dear Scientists, Does any one know which solvent is appropriate for dissolving lanthanide orthophosphate (LnPO4) powders in order to make clear solutions ? Thanks for your contribution.
23 June 2020 10,038 8 View
Dear Scientists, I am working on rare earth (RE) doped phosphor compounds using sol gel method. Sometimes, varying the first paprameter which is the host matrix compound in a complex form in...
17 November 2019 2,413 2 View
Dear Scientists, The possibility of making up thin films of just a few nanometres thick demonstrated that tiny film stacks can be turned into prototype pixel-like devices. These 'nano-pixels',...
17 September 2019 9,647 2 View
Dear researchers, Could someone provide any advices on how to prepare nanomaterials in thin film form using sol gel method ? Thanks.
24 August 2019 3,013 4 View
Please, could anyone provide detailed references on mechanisms and processes of growing nanocrystalline structures in thin films using soft chemical routes in general and sol gel process in...
22 August 2019 5,090 4 View
I'm working on lanthanum orthophosphates doped with rare earths LnPO4: RE3+ (Ln = Y, Gd and Lu / RE = E3+ ..). I prepare them with sol gel method. Is there any characterization techniques, other...
07 April 2019 2,162 2 View
Could anyone help me on how to synthetise pure lanthanide orhtophosphates doped with rare earths using sol gel method. After undertaking XRD analysis, I got some polyphosphate or pentaphosphate as...
03 April 2019 2,957 2 View
Dear Researchers, Could any one tell me possibles applications that non conductive optical thin films doped with rare earths obtained with only one preferential orientation (XRD) could have?...
22 January 2019 4,125 1 View