4 Questions 104 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ali Raza
Dear experts, I want to make a network diagram for metabolites and genes based on PCC (Pearson Correlation Coefficient) value. Further, I also want to use the FPKM values of each gene to express...
16 September 2019 9,663 4 View
Dear experts, I have identified 3368 metabolites and only 626 metabolites are named. I want to find the class of these metabolites. Suggest me a database from where I can find the classification...
05 September 2019 760 5 View
Dear experts, I need your assistance regarding the selection of the TA clones. There are some mutations/changing in some nucleotide like A is replaced with C, T replaced with G etc at 2-3...
15 August 2019 4,213 3 View
Dear Colleagues/Editors/Reviewers, Comment those journals which are going to receive its first impact factor in JUNE 2020 and currently indexed in ESCI, SCOPUS, PubMed, etc. Journals must be...
01 January 1970 727 17 View