By the time you’re ready to submit your paper to a journal, there are a lot of things you’ll need to have checked, understood, and incorporated into your article. FollowIng these steps:

- Is your article a good fit for your target journal?

Check by reading the aims and scope of the journal, and look at recently published articles.

- Do you know the requirements for your target journal?

Visit journal website to check the specific submission requirements for your chosen journal.

- Have you read the instructions for authors (IFs)?

The IFAs will tell you everything that the editorial board will be expecting to see in your paper, including word counts and style guides.

- Have you identified 5-6 appropriate keywords?

Keywords help relevant readers find your article online.

- Have you written an effective title and abstract?

The title and abstract are your chance to grab a potential reader’s attention.

- Have you written an effective cover letter ?

The cover letter is an important way for you to explain to the journal’s editor why your paper is a good fit and should be considered for publication.

- Does your article match the journal’s specified style guides?

Your article should be a good fit and format for the target journal’s style guide. Experts in formatting will make sure your article meets your journal’s Instructions for Authors.

- Did you clearly describe your methodology and approach?

Your study design, research argument strength and positioning should be structured and articulated properly. Check that you have carried out an in-depth technical review of your work.

- Do your figures and charts comply with your target journal’s requirements?

Make sure you format your artwork according to the technical artwork guidelines for your target journal.

- Have you cited sources appropriately?

Make sure you avoid accidental plagiarism by taking a look at our policy on citations. Also don’t forget to include all references in the reference section.

(Taylor & Francis online)

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