Researcher Jeffrey Beall, a librarian at University of Colorado Denver who coined the term "predatory publishing," first published his list of predatory publishers in 2010. Beall's List was a supposedly a prominent list of predatory open-access publishers and today is the "holy grail" for universities to reject articles published in any of "Beall list of journals". Though this original list was removed in January 2017 by the author however this website continued to list more and more journals and publish their names as predatory or unethical. Like the X files these publishers however hid their identity very well and remained almost anonymous until today. Just like a black hat hacker. No one ever investigated who runs it and how. Today most of the top publishers charge exorbitant high prices yet remain untouched by Beall's list. Almost as if Beall wipes out all their competitors by blacklisting them with impunity on same grounds. Another queer fact which now is apparent is that of the top 4 countries with highest academic contributions namely China, The US, UK and then India, no Chinese journal ever appeared on the infamous Beall list. Is this possible with cost of Chinese intellectual property theft record. According to a CNBC survey, 1 in 5 corporations say China has stolen intellectual property within the previous year, while 1 in 3 said it had happened some times during the previous century.

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