Hi everyone,
I've sequenced (Illumina; Nextera; 2x250) different strains of Salmonella (size of the genome around 5Mb) and I want to compare the genomes to check if there are related or not: some came from animals the others from patients.
I've cleaned my sequences with trimmomatic before doing the assembly (I used megahit, although now I know it's not the best one) . After that I tried difference analysis:
-REALPHY (contigs and reference genome as input files) to obtain the phylogenetic tree.
-bwa to do the mapping between my contigs and the reference, but I didn't know how to get a single sequence. I checked it with QUAST.
-With mauve I got my contigs ordered according to my reference but not a consensus sequence for each sample and I could not interpret the results very well.
I am quite new in Bioinformatics, so I'd appreciate some advice.
1/If I use two different assemblers (Velvet and Spades), how can I merge both?
2/Is is better in this case to do assembly de novo or just mapping with a reference (I have a high coverage)?
3/One I have the contigs, which software should I used to obtain scaffols? And to obtain a unique sequence I can use in further analysis?
4/Which software would you recommend me for phylogeny? And for clustering? Do you think this would be the best way to answer my problem?
I'd really appreciate any suggestion.
Thank you very much!