In some countries, university professors and researchers are well paid and can afford a decent life, but not everywhere. What is the state of your country in this consideration?
About 1 year ago one of the highest-rank-politician (here in Russia) said: "It's a shame to pay such a low salary to our scientists; it should be increased at least twice". But since the funding of science almost stopped - there was no money to follow his disposition. But one way or another it should have been done. As a result, in many Institutes, an original method was found to solve this problem, namely, the salary was doubled but the rate was halved. It was such a beautiful decision that no one objected.
Оплата труда не всегда соответствует нашим усилиям. Однако переход нашего университета на рейтинговую оценку работы преподавателей позволил эту несправедливость минимизировать. Чем больше преподаватель осуществляет не только учебную деятельность, но и научную, воспитательную, спортивную, организационные и т.д., тем выше его заработная плата на следующий год.
Society should be encouraged to force policy decisions makers to understand the importance of scientists and to be paid and compensated adequately and providing every facility for research
A professor will be never paid enough for his or her efforts. What a good professor does nobody can replace. Perhaps this is the reason why the best reward for a professor is the admiration of his students.
Thanks for all your answers and all your tips. I hope this is useful not only for me, but for all others who follow my questions. By "socializing with you within the question" now I really have a different sense of the topic we are discussing.
In case of your profession performance , one has to face the competition in the line with academic excellence for which one has to stand with them but this comes to every person who want to come up in life have to meet the challenges for which one has to acquire the knowledge & if necessary to go for high study to meet the challenges & also the competition in the respective areas .
Some professors and scientists are 'bought' as if they where soccer or basketball players and earn a good salary and a nice work environment. If you have added value you will be paid more. As Paul Stock writes, his pay increased with the years when he could show he was worth it. And Michael Issogonis states that a smile of a student means more to him than money. One professor in Holland once cried out: What do I have to do with more money? I am paid well enough'. So, it depends where you are and who you are.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am glad that in these warm days I have kept your attention to my questions. I will not argue with you all about your answers because I respect every opinion, I will just give you a big thank you. Greetings from me to all of you