It is not fair! Workplace gender equality is achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of gender. Workplaces to provide equal pay for work of equal or comparable value.
In your previous question, nearly all of the respondents stated that salaries and opportunities are the same. I think it's all true according to the legislation. However, although opportunities are equal, there is a serious problem with number of women taking part in managerial teams . Here the most accurate data may be got from statistical figures. Why? "Management has been seen as a "man's work" for centuries." Could it be one of the reasons?
In numbers, yes but this is not sentimental. Women careers are always affected by many issues. Marriage, nursing baby, raising family are some of the issue that bring delay.
The problem started long ago when our culture and traditions believes there are limits to where women can get to in life and even the nature of jobs to be taken up by them.
But of recent, the trends are changing and women are getting more involved and with time, there will be much improvement.
If there was a simple solution or program that could improve things, this problem would have already been solved. Unfortunately, this global disparity is rooted in local and historical forces that contribute to some of these systemic differences that hinder women's access to and advancement in science. Any realistic policy aimed at improving the participation of women in the scientific community must take into account the diversity of social, cultural, economic and political policies in which students learn and in which science is produced. Each State should carefully identify the precise mechanisms contributing to the formation of the former regime. No country can afford to ignore the intellectual contributions of half of its population.
It is a case of every profession personnel that women have been exposed in the professional areas under their successive areas .This trend has come in very recent years & in comparison of profession personnel the women number are very low & as such they may not come in the team .
With this we should not forget that women have been exposed to Finance, Management , & other similar areas where their contribution demands a respectable standing .
Previously women were reluctant to go outside home, they restricted themselve in some specific area (related to own house and family)only but things are now changing, they are coming forward and getting job in every field because of awareness ,the rate is slow but definite increase is seen all over world and once it take momentum we will find substantial % increase
In the west, many women find it very important to stay home raising their small children.
In fact, they believe being with their children in the first few years of their lives as more important and more rewarding than working outside the home.
So many try to have it both ways.
They begin a career, then interrupt it to leave the workforce and stay home with their kids for a few years, then they re-enter the workforce.
The cumulative effect is that they end up with less work experience than men ... by their own choices and their own preferences.
Taken cumulatively this gives the impression that women are paid less than men in the same fields, but it is not because of sexual discrimination, but more often due to the choices the women themselves make.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am glad that in these warm days I have kept your attention to my questions. I will not argue with you all about your answers because I respect every opinion, I will just give you a big thank you. Greetings from me to all of you