20 September 2018 25 954 Report

At the moment we hear a lot about artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is an awesome development, unimaginable completely or partially, now. How and when humans will gain the benefits of the Used Technology? We don't know yet. You can imagine many useful applications. For the benefit of all humanity. However: Everything in life has positive and negative aspects, has pros and cons. Recently I read the books: Cathy O’Neil Weapons of math Destruction: How Big data increases inequality and threatens democracy (recommended me by Marco Rao in another discussion here in RG) or published this year: Frank Schätzing: “Die Tyrannei des Schmetterlings” (“The tyrannies of the butterfly”. Inspired by that, I attended a lecture by a mathematician about machine learning yesterday. He talked about different methods and algorithms. I’m not a mathematician, but I learned a lot. A current application example for machine learning has made me think: With the methods of machine learning, it is decided for patients after a stroke, who gets a rehabilitation and with whom this is no longer worthwhile. Parameters such as age, various body parameters and the current state after the stroke are included in these forecasts. This is really being used in Germany. My mother (77 years) had a stroke in 2011. According to the survey of the health insurance company, she should only receive a three-week rehabilitation, but not for three months. We asked the surveyor of the health insurance why she does not get the longer and thus better rehabilitation program. He answered that the prognoses for this group of patients are worse A major rehabilitation would not be worthwhile. Now I understood what happened then: Machine learning, algorithms have decided how my mother is treated! By the way, the story went well: My brother is a doctor. He fought for my mother to get the big three-month rehabilitation. She was completely well again, could do everything alone again and lived well for four more years. Machine learning and algorithms would not have given her that opportunity. But I’m very, very thoughtful. Everything in life has positive and negative aspects, has pros and cons. What wins in the end depends on many circumstances! The positive can only succeed if the negative is reduced or eliminated. Therefore, one must also look at the negative, make aware, know. You cannot ignore it. Do not close one's eyes to potential problems. Possibilities and limitations of new technologies. How much control must and can humans keep about processes? Can models, computers and algorithms really everything as more and more is suggested? And is the result compelling in the sense of mankind? Or do the technologies create a reality that is logically and correct in the sense of artificial intelligence? May be artificial intelligence develops its own value frame and own rules? Because artificial intelligence has to learn and develop independently in order to be... What do you think?

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