5 Questions 78 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Petra Seidel
Dear all, we need a procedure to rapid drying plant materials from field or greenhouse experiments to rapidly denaturing enzymes, kills micro-organism and stabilizes the tissues. On one hand we...
01 November 2018 6,089 9 View
At the moment we hear a lot about artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is an awesome development, unimaginable completely or partially, now. How and when humans will gain the benefits...
20 September 2018 961 25 View
Dear all. It is known, that climate change and also extreme weather can cause outbreak of some pests and their enemies also. Other pests may be diminshed. The question is: How extreme weather...
10 September 2018 3,840 5 View
Dear all, we are living in a changing world – caused by climate change, pollution and shortage of resources. That’s only the half of it. The inverse side is: We are watching an incredible...
22 July 2018 3,091 3 View
Hi, dear all: Measuring photosynthesis of plants in natural environments means make measurements under sometimes rapidly changing CO2 concentrations. As more plant you have to measure, as more...
06 February 2018 5,844 6 View