I would like to measure H2O2 in solution that content free cyanide, so I would like to work in non acid media, to avoid HCN formation. Anyone know a colorimetric or other method that I can use, or how can to deal with that? Thank you for your help.
thermo scientific pierce quantitative peroxide assay kits can use for your propose. In general, this aqueous-compatible peroxide assay kit detects peroxides based on oxidation of ferrous to ferric ion in the presence of xylenol orange. The kit's formulation includes sorbitol, which provides sensitivity enhancement. Most proteins do not interfere with this assay, although some metal chelators may require use of a blank (i.e., control) to mitigate these effects. This kit provides for maximum sensitivity with non-lipid samples.
Detail can be found in this link: https://www.lifetechnologies.com/order/catalog/product/23280
We use a simple colormetric test, absorbance at 390nm. Reagents are titanium oxide oxalate and sulphuric acid. The yellow colour development is immediate when sample is added and is quite stable so we find this method far superior to xylenol orange methods. The method comes from the American Wastewater testing industry. I don't know how to deal with your cyanide issue although there is probably a scrubber methodology for capturing the gas if you prepared the test solutions in an appropriate fumehood/isolator.