I need to compute confidence limits for a correlation study using Spearman's rho and consisting of n = 8 pairs of data. As far as I could find, the Fisher arc-tangent transformation to Z scores to compute confidence bounds would be only valid if the data could be assumed to come from a bivariate normal distribution.

I don't think I can make this assumption with my all my data (details ahead), and the only alternative I found is a numerical one, with bootstrap. To reduce sampling fluctuations in the bootstrap procedure a large number of permutations are needed. For a single series, using R, it would take me ~400 seconds with 100,000 permutations (I believe that it is due to the ordering procedure of the rank based analysis, a cumbersome programming issue). But the study is based on satellite data and even at low resolution I have 4.600 pixels, which means that the procedure should be repeated 4.600 times, resulting in an estimated computing time of 511 hours...

And there are at least four different correlations each with 4.600 pixels. An analytical solution then would be essential. Therefore, if the restriction on the Fisher transformation applies, there are any other analytical suggestions?

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