
I'm trying to project TOMS L2 Swath data that is stored in HDF5 format. Geolocation data of latitude and longitude are stored as rasters data sets. I learned that gdalwarp can be used with the option -geoloc that forces the use of Geolocation arrays, that are more appropriate than using Ground Control Ponits (GCPs) when available ( I tried to use gdalwarp directly on the data set with this option, but it gave no result.

In a forum, I learned that a workaround was needed with Virtual Raster format (vrt), here: But in trying to follow the example, my gdalwarp states that the vrt file "is not recognised as a supported file format", although my gdal has the VRT listed in the list of supported formats.

The file I'm experimenting with is the TOMS/EP first orbit for 01/01/2001, available from MIRADOR:

Can anyone give me a hand? Thank you

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