The easiest way I found to produce True Color composites is through HDFLook software. I have compared the composites with the mosaics provided by LANCE. The quality is fairly equivalent (with some extra twick from ImageMagik), although strip lines can be seen on the image (those are much less apparent on LANCE composites, perhaps because of a smother interpolation algorithm than the bilinear used by HDFLook).

But my concern is actually with the projection. From the projections available on the software, I have only used the "Linear" projection, which is equirectangular projection with the Earth's modeled as a sphere of radius 6370997 m (a and b parameters of the PROJ4 string are equal in the metadata retrieved by gdalinfo). I have found some small but consistent displacement of these images from those produced by LANCE, and also with Natural Earth's coastlines shapefile.

I have not tested other projections because it would require me extra computing time to use gdalwarp for reprojection. I have to process a few thousand granules...

Does anyone have experience with the software and/or can suggest a solution?

I'm running it on Ubuntu 64 bits, 4Gb ram.

My best,

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