There are two exhibitions currently underway in France, one in the center of Paris, and another one near Paris, which have soil-related themes. The first one (see is in the gardens of the French senate,  and is entitled "Fertile soils, secret lives". The second exhibition, in the Abbey of Maubuisson, shows stunning and inspiring work by Japanese artist Kôichi Kurita (see Both exhibitions have apparently had quite a bit of success so far, and are very interesting examples of what can be done to explain to the public at large how important soils are for everyone's well-being. To us, scientists, these types of event can also greatly help us understand better how it is possible to make soils appealing to a wide audience...

     There may be other such events going on in other parts of the world... It would be interesting to know what these are, and how they are trying to present soils. If you know of any exhibitions or other cultural event that focuses on soils in some fashion, please point them out.

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