In 2006, several of us published in Soil Science an article ("Whither goes soil science in the US and Canada?") in which we tried to find out how graduate soil science programs had evolved between 1992 and 2004. Our article (showing a decline of enrollments by 40%) shocked some, angered others, and stimulated yet others to action. It would be interesting to see where we are at this stage. More soil science departments in the US have disappeared from the map (e.g., at Cornell), so the situation does not seem to be improving there, but things are significantly better in other parts of the world (France, Brazil,...). I am wondering if someone might be interested in collaborating in a follow-up study, where soil science education programs in various countries would be assessed via questionnaires sent to as large a number of institutions as possible... If anyone is interested, he/she can respond here... 

      A corollary question, which interests me very much as well, is what is being done in various countries to make the public at large more aware of soils, and of the need to carry out research on soils. I know of a number of examples (for example in France), which seem very successful, but would love to know more about what is done elsewhere.

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