I've just had the time to pare down my thesis down to around 3000 words and am looking for a suitable 'home' for it. Essentially, using both quantitative and qualitative analyses, my research evaluates the Turkish risk perception of Syrian refugee inflow, utilizing cultural cognition as a theoretical spring board. The abstract is below:


Syrian refugee’s and risk perception in Izmir, Turkey: Understanding Turkish attitudes through the evaluation of cultural cognition


Since early 2011, Syria has been undergoing a brutal civil war, displacing millions within the country and forcing others to seek protection in adjacent countries. Turkey, amongst other regional refugee-hosting countries, has taken in the bulk of Syrian forced migrants. The impact of these refugees on Turkey, still developing as time goes on, is largely undocumented amidst the development of Turkish attitudes towards this group of over two million migrants. This exploratory research sought to investigate these attitudes, utilising cultural cognition as a theoretical sounding board. Delimited to the city of Izmir, the aims of this research were to ascertain what perceived risks Syrian refugees pose onto Turkish society, how these perceptions relate to worldview adherences amongst Turkish citizens and what psychological processes may explain the development of such perceptions. Using a mixed-methods approach, the research found statistical significance between the perception of inflow and social risks posed by Syrian refugees and the hierarchist and egalitatrian worldviews. To explore the development of such perceptions of risk, the processes of identity-protective cognition and reactive devaluation were utilised to explicate the data

[Key words]

risk perception, refugees, cultural cognition, Turkey

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