Dear researchers,

I am currently conducting a study for my master's thesis about the effect of empathic concern and personal distress on purchase intentions (two of the subscales of the IRI by Davis as IV's) and WTP for sustainable apparel, with attitudes towards sustainable apparel as a mediator. I have two questions regarding the analysis. Besides the two IV's, the mediator and the two DV's I also include 6 different control variables.

1. Does anyone know if the subscales of the IRI are reflective or formative?

2. A researcher argued that as the IVs are formative (not sure if that's the case though?) and the model is complex, PLS needs to be used. Would you agree with that? Or do you think OLS is sufficient? Would it make a difference if the IVs were reflective and not formative?

Kind regards and thanks a lot in advance.

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