Hello everybody.

For my project i need to identify the APOe isoforms present on my patient derived lines.

My idea was to extract DNA, amplify with PCR and send it for Sanger sequencing - basically how routinely done in multiple papers.

So far i used multiple primers (both designed by me or found in publications) that either target the whole area of interest where the mutation is (112 and 158) or singularly each of part - with zero results. In some cases the primers were working properly (showing a perfect single band on gel), but then the sanger sequinning came back extremely dirty and unusable.

I also tried multiple mixes of primers, PCR protocols, TAQs ecc, but all of them without any success or with same Sanger messy results.

Just as an additional information, the area of interest is extremely GC rich (70-80%).

Can someone advise or share a good set of primers that are tested and a related PCR protocol? if this won't work, we would proceed with exons sequencing, but this is time consuming and expensive.

Thanks a lot


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