I am synthesizing {001} facets TiO2 particles by addition polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to hydrothermal solution along with HF, and isopropanol : water. I observed that when hydrothermal time is increased from 1hr to 10hrs, the morphology of TiO2 particles also changed. For example at 1 hr of hydrothermal treatment the shape of TiO2 particles were of decahedral geometry, at 2hrs of hydrothermal time formation of microscopes occurs, at 3 hrs of hydrothermal treatment the size of micro spheres increases, at 5 hrs of hydrothermal time the formation of sheet occurs within the microsphere, at 10 hrs of hydrothermal time the sheets are made independent of micro spheres.

Any suggestions for the plausible mechanism of this shape evolution with increase in hydrothermal time by addition of PVA?.

FESEM image is attached.

FESEM of {001} facet TiO2 films prepared at hydrothermal time of 1 hr (a), 2 hr (b), 3 hr (c), 5 hr (d), and 10 hr. Other conditions are 110 mL water solution, 60 mL iso – propanol, hydrothermal temperature of 180˚C, HF = 0.03M, pH = 2.8 (natural pH of hydrothermal solution) and PVA = 8mg.

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