I am use a HPLC method with a C30 reverse phase column coated with poliethylenoglicol, however with real seawater it is very difficult quantify samples with concentrations lower than 10 microgram per liter.
Ion chromatography is the way to go. You may have to concentrate the sample. Thiocyanate retains extremely well on common IC phases and all the "junk" elutes much earlier. However, due to high concentration of chloride, the SCN- peak will be broadened.
If chloride is the issue, you may get rid of chloride with special SPE from Dionex. Please Google Dionex website.
The OnGuard II Ag contains a silver-form, high-capacity, sulfonated, cation-exchange resin similar to the OnGuard II H packing. These cartridges remove chloride, bromide, and iodide from sample matrices. An OnGuard II H cartridge should be used after the OnGuard II Ag cartridge to remove dissolved Ag
you could use a similar strategy as in attached document. Thiocyanate belongs to the "polarizable" anions, pretty much like iodide, and it is absorbing UV-light as well. If it works for iodide, the chances are high that it works for thiocyanate.