The era of impact factor, h-index, g-index and open access has brought about several issues relative to sharp practices by researchers, scholars, journal editors, reviewers et cetera. Increasingly, complaints are being filed about plagiarism, self-plagiarism, reviewers forcing authors to cite their papers, some journal editors asking for citations from their journal etc. Moreover, there are different methods or software for calculating h-index, with some claiming superiority over the others. There is also the recent introduction of ORCID, to identify researchers by a unique combination of numbers, which is still evolving. I am not sure the final outcome expected when it comes on fully.
I feel strongly that there is a need for a global symposium to address these issues, and believe there could be a plan already in the process for this. Could anyone intimate us if indeed, such a symposium or conference has been scheduled? And if so, when, where and to be hosted by whom? Additional opinions with regards why this meeting is necessary or otherwise are welcome.
Thank you.