12 December 2013 4 8K Report

I have a problem ligating a small insert with larger vector. The ligation sites are XhoI and AgeI. After the double digestion I excised band for I and V and extracted DNA by glass milk, purified with Phenol/Chloroform and so on. Ligation was done by using 2x Ligation Kit, or by Ligation buffer/Ligase. I have optimized amount of DNA, stoichiometry of I/V (10/1). However, after transformation into DH5Alpha I got no colonies . Then I have another idea of utilization of DH10 beta derivative of NEB, I got colonies but the digestion assay of targeted plasmid suggested that I have a wrong product. SAD and I know that it is somehow and somewhat difficult to ligate, especially small Inserts with large plasmid. Appreciate with your tips!

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