Hello all! Surely those who have worked whole-cell with acute slices can commiserate with the impotent fury of seeing pipette after pipette slain, tangled in the sticky shielding of extracellular matrix.  I am also working with particularly old animals, and they seem to really pack it in densely as they age.

To be specific - even after cleaning I will approach a cell, perfectly in a position that I know will seal on the rare cells that have been given a shave by the vibrotome, using pipettes that have been pulled with a program I know to be stable and effective.... and upon releasing pressure I can get the resistance to a maximum 30-40MOhm with coaxing. Upon further movement it is clear that I am caught in extracellular matrix.

I have tried everything I can think of - traditional cleaning pipettes, clearing with positive pressure, grasping the matrix with suction and attempting to tear it/work a hole in it with the micromanipulator, pulling pipettes to a point and attempting to spear it, leaving tissues for a few extra moments on the vibrotome blade in an attempt to loosen it, and even breaking pipette tips manually with a diamond blade to make rough edges reminiscent of a broken beer bottle in an drastic attempt to rip it apart or just nuclearize the whole layer of cells. The only thing I haven't tried is any digestive enzyme for lack of funding and fear that it may render my prep excessively non-physiological, but at this point I'll try anything.

Has anyone found anything that works? Even for whole-cell my sense of sisyphus is reaching a breaking point.

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