06 June 2016 12 8K Report

i aim to purify the soluble human PCID2 protein (1-399aa) for crystallization.

I have constructed several different plasmid, like GST-tagged pGEX-PCID2 full length, His-tagged pET28a-PCID2 full length, GST-tagged pET28a-PCID2 full length, GST-tagged pET28a-PCID2 1-200aa, GST-tagged pET28a-PCID2 201-399, His-tagged pET16b-PCID2 full length,  His-tagged pET16b-PCID2 1-200aa,  His-tagged pET16b-PCID2 201-399aa.

after transform into BL21(DE3) and BL21 (DE3) CodonPlus-RIL, all these 8 plasmids are inclusion bodies. I refined the expression conditions with low amount of IPTG and low temperature. still no improvement. then i dissolved the inclusion bodies with  8M urea, purify with Ni-NTA beads, the purified elutions was refolding in 4-2-1-0.5M urea, but almost all the protein was precipitated during dialysis. because I need large amount of this protein for crystallization, so i gave up to purify from inclusion body.

I also tried to co-expression with another binding protein, i transformed 2 plasmid with different antibiotic resistence markers but same origins of replication(pBR322). PCID2 is still inclusion bodies.

so how can i improve my expriment in above case? Thanks.

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