Wondering if there is any company selling 1K protein concentrator of 500 ul in volume. I know Pall sells 1K of 5 ml size but thats to big for my peptides. Thanks in advance.
Dear Samir, ready made is not available for your requirement. if you need this service and instrument means. they will make specifically and give it to you., just give me your contact detail by msg. i will suggest one of leading manufacturers from India.,
I had a similar tricky problem some years ago. My suggestion for you is to perform dialysis followed by lyophilization. 1K cutoff dialysis in tiny volumes can be accomplished using a product from Spectrum, link below, or perhaps similar from other companies.
Because you would be drying down the contents afterwards, it doesn't matter if you end up with a 1mL volume. The important part is that your peptides stay inside!
Your dialysis buffer could simply be water. Remove the contents of the dialysis tube into a microfuge tube and dry in a centrifugal vacuum evaporator (e.g. SpeedVac). You can even rinse the inside of the dialysis tube with more fresh pure water to increase peptide recovery -- again, remembering that the drying step means that increasing the volume of your peptide preparation is not that important. If you think a bit of salt might help keep your peptides happier, you could use ammonium barcarbonate as the dialysis buffer, since it is volatile and will also be pulled away in the vacuum dryer. When dry, you can dissolve the peptides in a tiny volume, limited only by the ultimate solubility of the peptides themselves.