
I have 2 groups with different sample sizes of (experts: 5 to 8) and (Users: 28 to 35) answering 21 questions on a 7 points Likert scale about the importance of some dimensions for different products.

I want to compare the means of these groups for each question. I have first tested for normality of both data sets per question.

For datasets whose skewness and kurtosis were between -/+ 2 and others with a p-value above 0.05 in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, I have considered them normal and performed Independent T-test. For the rest of the datasets that were not normal, I performed the Mann-Whitney U test.

1- Have I done the correct procedure on the data?

2- What should I do for groups that have a variance of zero in the Mann-Whitney u test? is the result of those groups correct? (The means of the level of importance rated by both groups are not that much different but the variance of zero resulted in the rejection of the null hypothesis)

3- How can I interpret the results of the Mann-Whitney U test? since it does not compare means anymore! what does it actually compare?

Thank you for your help

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