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Questions related to Soil Analysis
Hi! I am looking for an paper that the authors conducted a study on natural soil with undisturbed samples.
09 June 2020 9,127 6 View
I am trying to take sequential soil samples of my 3L greenhouse pots over the course of my plant's lives. I was using a 2 cm diameter soil corer for the pilot study, but it created too large of...
02 June 2020 8,517 4 View
I want to isolate PGPR from rice rhizosphere (flooded conditions). Not sure when to collect samples. Concentrating on acidic soils of South India. The seeds are being sown now for the second...
28 May 2020 9,696 1 View
Dear Researchers: I want to do an experiment about the cuticle wax chemical composition and concentration of fruit surface at the different developmental stage so I would like to ask some...
21 May 2020 7,149 0 View
I am planning to work on the mineralogy of the rock and lateritic soil samples of the Bingo carbonatite complex in order to determine its REE-bearing minerals and determine its REE prospectivity....
18 May 2020 1,393 18 View
Dear sir, i carried out a research and i doubt if the result is correct or may be my perception is wrong. here are my coments: By comparing the result of the land use /land cover classification...
05 May 2020 6,648 0 View
The samples will be analyze for microplastics. I have found research articles that used plastic bags or aluminum bags.
01 May 2020 9,600 13 View
In our recent research on sweetpotato here in Leyte, Philippines, we have observed a no correlation between soil test and plant tissue test values for N, P and K. Marschner (1995) in his classic...
28 April 2020 5,531 18 View
Single Oedometer collapse test (SOT) is the relationship between the void ratio and vertical stress under dry conditions until reach to collapse stress such as (200 kPa) then flooded the soil...
26 April 2020 6,075 4 View
I´d like to assess difficulties and possibilities companies have through this legislation. Also, I am looking for a third objective.
09 April 2020 8,784 0 View
Do you know the methods to estimate soil evaporation reliably in cold and arid region (especially with shallow groundwater level) other than in-situ experiments during freezing-thawing period?...
29 March 2020 8,514 4 View
The soil samples are sandy in nature. Weare interested to analyze total nitrogen, sulphur, Ca, Na, K and Mg content of soil sample. If you kindly suggest us the methodology.
19 March 2020 7,696 18 View
Dear researchers; How can I apply a varying temperature boundary condition in FLAC3D using a table dataset while its first column is thermal time and the second column is the temperature? I have...
10 March 2020 6,815 0 View
I have used the following protocol: - 1. [Chitosan - Low Molecular Weight] = 1 mg/ml (in 1% v/v Acetic Acid); Solution pH = 4.6 2. [Alginate - Low Viscosity] = 1 mg/ml; Solution pH = 4.9 3....
05 March 2020 1,474 2 View
I am experiencing low 260/230 values after using Qiagen's DNeasy PowerSoil Pro Kit. I have been getting values anywhere from around 0.11 to 1.10. After speaking with a Qiagen rep, she recommended...
04 March 2020 4,552 7 View
Please I need an answer: I have a treatment contain enriched compost with microbes. I need to evaluate the microbes but don't want to proceed a CFU. Can I use the t60 uv vis spectrophotometer...
03 March 2020 6,456 3 View
I am writing a dissertation on greenhouse gas emissions of anecic earthworms in no-till soil. I need to measure volume of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions from the earthworm burrows and from the...
28 February 2020 9,740 3 View
I found it in a thin section of a Jurassic-Cretaceous marine limestone which corresponds to shoreface facies. Can it be worm tubes? a foraminifer? Any other ideas of what it can be precisely?...
10 February 2020 8,925 5 View
I want to prepare five soil samples with incremental water contents starting from zero percent up to 100 percent. As I want to calibrate and validate capacitive soil moisture sensor SKU:SEN0193 I...
02 February 2020 1,306 3 View
Is there any formula or any methods to calculate weathering intensity of any area using soil sample (Physical Parameters/Properties) ?
02 February 2020 2,908 3 View
How can i push the compacted soil sample into Glass Bubble of pinhole cell, for example, if the sample soil is saturated?
02 February 2020 8,522 3 View
As soil quality represent it's "fitness to use" or "capacity of soil to function to sustain productivity maintaining environmental quality and improved health". What are the basic components...
02 February 2020 9,911 3 View
Hello. My team is planning a project using soil from a desert that has been chemically analized already. the publication includes the data from this soil and the coordinates where it was sampled....
02 February 2020 1,381 5 View
Hello everyone, I am a student trying to finish my bachelor studies. My thesis involves the Fluorescein Diacetate Analysis (FDA) of some soil samples with different textures, pH, porosity and so...
02 February 2020 3,088 2 View