1. A chrome plated or stainless steel soil probe or auger. Shovels and spades may be used (see Fig attached), but they are inefficient.
2. A plastic bucket to mix the "cores" of soil in. Do not use equipment made of galvanized metal. The soil sample will be contaminated by the zinc in the galvanized metal.
3. A pen or marker with water-proof ink for labeling the soil bags.
4. We recommend that you take a clipboard or notebook and, if possible, field maps to record how the field was sampled.
The bag used for sampling must always be clean and free from any
contamination. If the same bag is to be used for second time, turn it inside out and
remove the soil particles. Write the details of the sample in the information sheet like
name of the farmer, location of the farm, survey number, previous crop grown, present
crop, crop to be grown in the next season, date of collection, name of the sampler etc.,, Put a copy of this information sheet in the bag. Tie the mouth of the bag carefully.
Estoy de acuerdo con la recomendación de Rosana Goncalves, que el envase para recolectar muestras de suelo sean las bolsas de polietileno de alta densidad, ya que permiten contener todos los elementos a ser investigados.
To minimize the contamination of samples during sampling and analysis, standard non-plastic equipment, i.e. metal and glass, should be used as much as possible.