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Questions related to Signal Processing
I am working with a synthetic aperture radar system with fmcw signal, which transmits and receives signals continuously. The received signals are dechirped and their type is double (not complex)....
06 December 2019 5,391 7 View
Hi I was going through different methods to implement serial decoding for Flexray analogue electrical signal using Matlab. Any Suggestion or useful reference much appropriated ! Reference...
06 December 2019 3,497 3 View
The radar system that I'm working with contains a linear FMCW S-band (2.26-2.59 GHz) signal with a bandwidth of 330MHz and a pulse duration of 20ms. Also, the received signal is dechirped. Thanks...
06 December 2019 2,252 3 View
By calculating the distance between two antennas and then taking the 'fft' of the received signal, how the speed of the signal can be calculated?
29 November 2019 7,166 4 View
I have a reference time series and main data set(Similar sampling rate) which contains multiple instance of reference signal. Applying Cross Correlation (xcorr - Matlab) and from the highest...
08 November 2019 1,804 3 View
İ need a fpga project(verilog).İt should not be could have for loops in the code.Firstly,it could be about radar sytems,radar imaging systems.I think that i make doppler radar system...
21 October 2019 9,731 4 View
Hi, I was reading an article, it used synchrosqueezed wavelet transform to decompose the following signal in its fundamental modes. Please, can anyone explain why I can't reach the same conclusion...
29 September 2019 3,807 8 View
Any good topics related to this.
18 September 2019 7,101 4 View
I am dealing with an AC pulsed signal of 100 mV and 1 KHz frequency. I need to shift that pulse train up to 2 ms. I have already used RC circuit but in that case if I added a phase then the shape...
11 September 2019 7,358 10 View
I have a doubt about the unit of amplitude on y axis on linear plot of a sound wave generated in Matlab. In logarithmic scale it is dB but I am confused about what it should be on the linear scale...
05 September 2019 6,809 4 View
Hello community, I would like to know the intervals for the RMS calculation. The more I go away from the pulse peak into the noise level, the smaller will be the resulting intervals. I have a...
28 August 2019 7,145 3 View
I am developing an application to estimate the distance to a BLE Beacon using its RSSi values measured from a Mobile Phone. But when I started to collect data I could see that they varied so much...
22 August 2019 8,713 1 View
I am dealing with vibration signals which were acquired from different systems. They are mostly non-stationary and in some cases cyclostationary. What are the less expensive methods for removing...
21 August 2019 5,974 7 View
I am interested to start my new research in mindfullness. I like to know the possibles areas I can concentrate with the knowledge of signal processing and Python programming.
24 July 2019 4,687 2 View
Dear: Among nanowire laser, quantum dot laser, random laser, quantum well laser, which one of them is better for signal processing and why? I know that there are many types of each one of them,...
02 July 2019 2,851 4 View
Hello RG. Can a position/distance error be represented as frequency error or Doppler in antenna systems? Thanks in advance. Regards
08 June 2019 3,060 3 View
Can you split an signal into smaller windows segments before applying filters/downsampling it? Basically I wish to do a sliding window to the signal, but as it is too huge, the filtering and...
06 June 2019 6,352 3 View
EEG signals consist with lot of noise. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) , Short-Time Fourier Transform (SFTF) are some of known techniques for pre-process these signal. Is there any better solutions?...
25 May 2019 5,154 4 View
Dear all What are the recent work in deep learning. how to start with python kindly suggest some work and materials to start with that.
04 May 2019 3,316 11 View
I would like to use Boolean operators in a search HERE at Research Gate. For example, I may want hits WITH the exact phrase "signal processing" AND the word "communication" but WITHOUT the term...
28 March 2019 6,890 4 View
I have used two methods to process the same electromyography signal and calculate the maximum amplitude of it (RMS vs smoothing). However, I do not know which of them is the most appropriate,...
13 March 2019 9,712 4 View
I am transmitting my RF signal through atmosphere at a range of 10 kms. But it seems range is limited by environmental noise floor. Is there any way through signal processing that can mitigate the...
15 February 2019 5,405 3 View
Hi researchers! I am interesting in areas of signal processing and electronics. So to go forward in research it is very important to find new and actual fields of research.
06 February 2019 7,452 13 View
telecommunication and signal processing
22 January 2019 7,521 9 View