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Questions related to Signal Processing
We know that wiener filters adapt the filter coefficients based on the error function by using MSE (Mean Square error) as a cost function. E{e^2(n} = E{(d(n)-y(n)}^2 unless we know the desired...
20 February 2015 8,901 5 View
How can I design a code in MATLAB doing decimation in successive stages of comb filters connected in cascade?
17 February 2015 3,760 1 View
I have to predict the duty cycle of the single input multiple output converter. I have to use the look up table for that. How do you create a look up table?
02 February 2015 7,153 3 View
02 February 2015 3,966 5 View
Related to multirate signal processing.
02 February 2015 6,749 6 View
Hi, Dear lovely researchers.. Currently, I have read some journal about feature extraction using wavelet transform. Unfortunately, it not state clearly how to plot feature vector from 2D DWT...
02 February 2015 7,654 8 View
I have a signal : 400x6x2x2, I need to convert it to 400x2x2. Which block can i use to do it?
31 January 2015 5,778 5 View
In spectrum sensing, threshold is the most important term for estimating performance measure. In order to carry out particular type of CFAR detection, threshold is determined by reverse...
01 January 2015 7,518 4 View
If one takes the autocorrelation of a stationary signal, and then that of a non-stationary signal, then would it be possible to say which one is stationary from the ACFs?
01 January 2015 9,677 5 View
which window is preferable for FIR Filter design?
01 January 2015 775 6 View
Wiggers diagram show relationship in the cardiac cycle. How to get ECG signal and heart sound together? Some papers use Biopac, any other tools are able to get them together?
01 January 2015 812 3 View
How can a modulated (complex time domain) signal being transmitted on carrier frequency in matlab Simulink using DAC,LO,MIXER etc ??please help me
01 January 2015 556 3 View
Can we get the localized characteristics of a structure from accelerometer data? I mean FRF and other parameters that give global characteristics of a structure. I think the accelerometer data...
12 December 2014 4,746 1 View
Hi all, I need to generate a signal transmission with a certain power (i.e. 150 mW) in Matlab, that will mimic a BS transmission in a cell. How can I do that? Thanks in advance
03 December 2014 2,489 5 View
When using channel measurements on simulation, it is common to have impulse responses with a ringing effect due to truncation in the frequency domain (due to the measurement itself). This ringing...
19 November 2014 8,489 3 View
I am simulating a feature detector in noisy environment which consist of AWGN Noise and Impulsive Noise. But I am getting a strange result as Signal with Impulsive+AWGN noise has better detection...
12 November 2014 5,472 16 View
I would like to extract pitch from a sound related to a instrument. I get sound from microscope and I convert it to frequency domain by FFT. Now I have a vector which represents the frequencies of...
11 November 2014 9,428 10 View
The reference I've read indicates that the minimum training frames should be greater or equal to the number of transmitter antennas. Herein, the training frames denote that S = [s1, s2, s3, ......
11 November 2014 425 7 View
11 November 2014 758 4 View
11 November 2014 7,130 17 View
Hi, I want to known the importance of beat-to-beat correlation in 2D ECG Signal Compression (When construct the 1D signal to 2D image). If segments are not correlated to each other, what is the...
11 November 2014 7,811 2 View
Signals can be of different types like Voice signals, Vibration signals, 2d signals like picture signals, Now my question is, how can I differentiate between the signals? How can I say one signal...
11 November 2014 4,530 7 View
08 November 2014 9,190 9 View
For performing correct simulation in MATLAB, which signal will represent a more correct version of acquired data: Do I need to add noise before quantization of the signal? Do I need to add noise...
20 October 2014 6,843 8 View