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Questions related to Signal Processing
I have a research of ECG Signal Processing. I would like to ask about the Python or C code using Pan Tompkins method implemented on Raspberry Pi. I have used the AD8232 board to acquire the ecg...
14 July 2017 5,402 3 View
These devices have been around for a while now. Is there a consensus on the best way to do this, for low-cost/low-power computers and digitizers (e.g. wearable consumer tech)? I'm mainly...
04 July 2017 1,803 8 View
I have the a matlab file and data, I need to integrate and determine the frequency where 95 % of the power is contained, this is the maximum doppler frequency. Since I have no expierence with...
30 June 2017 6,068 1 View
I seem to be unable to duplicate the results of the following paper, in making the window function spectrum match what the author presents. (Md Abdus Samad, “A novel window function yielding...
15 January 2017 4,755 2 View
See pictures below.
01 January 2017 4,338 22 View
I'm currently designing a pipeline for the pre-processing of MEG data in Fieldtrip but keep on having some issues with events. Having compared the data loaded in with that loaded in using...
19 December 2016 9,694 6 View
i have an input signal and output signal which is basically the time-delayed version of the input.The actual problem is that the time delay is abt 0.0021 sec. I am applying cross-correlation but...
17 December 2016 4,660 3 View
hi everyone, I am trying to understand how to calculate the phase angle, delay, and multipath signal. I hope everyone can help me for ideas. My scenario: I have a radio hardware (SDR) with rx1 and...
13 December 2016 2,424 3 View
Looking for a way to measure, record, and export raw acceleration from the smart phone's internal accelerometer.
01 December 2016 7,569 6 View
Dear reader; Hello I need to calculate the loudness of a non-stationary signal according to Zwicker stationary loudness. I want to decompose the time interval of the signal so as i can hypothesis...
24 November 2016 2,114 2 View
I'm currently faced with analysing some working memory data collected using an EGI system (129 channels), however, the dataset has previously been described as being difficult to accurately...
23 November 2016 4,021 3 View
Periodic convolution is generally taken for signals of same period.Can we do with different periodic signals?
24 October 2016 2,596 5 View
Does anybody know whether the expression of Steklov spectrum (eigenvalues + eigenfunctions) for the 2d Laplace operator in an ellipse is available in the literature ? It seems to me that, as the...
23 October 2016 8,888 1 View
Can anyone tell me, how can I model the type of noise present in a signal (raw signal affected by noise)
23 October 2016 6,739 6 View
what is the alternative way of comparing similarity or differences between two signals instead of using cross correlations?
19 October 2016 1,291 8 View
When assessing impulse response measurement test signals for numerical error, why do exponentially swept sinusoids always feature poorer signal-to-noise ratio at lower frequencies?
10 October 2016 5,022 1 View
I want to build a system that observe cardiac signals from a pacient via a webpage and this webpage should be optimize for Android system, like an Android APP. This signals will be recorded by a...
15 September 2016 4,373 3 View
after the voice recognition can that be converted into something which can be seen?
01 September 2016 3,170 10 View
Hi, for the case of circular microphone array is there any advantages to using differential array processing over angular expansion methods (ie multipole expansion). I have read Benesty et al text...
01 September 2016 7,982 1 View
Hi all, Let's suppose we have some data of voltage signal (MV voltage level) at some instants t0, t1, t2, The time duration between two observations is quite big (about 1 hour). If we want...
31 August 2016 8,050 4 View
I have been trying to design compressors using MUX instead of XOR's. The method I tried to infer a MUX instead of XOR is using a case statement to sum up two signals. But after synthesizing the...
11 August 2016 9,133 3 View
I got a signal as attached. My doubt is can I break the signal in a triangle and a straight line, then calculating fourier series for each. In other words, should I calculate fourier series of...
11 August 2016 6,580 4 View
Dear All, I am trying to estimate the periodicity of a signal (i.e. How periodic is the signal ?) can anyone suggest me an approach to do this Thank you in advance
01 August 2016 8,733 10 View
We measured signal X in two methods(M1, M2), and we want to compare the two signals Xm1, Xm2. What's the best method to measure the similarity between the two signals and the information content,...
31 July 2016 9,496 5 View