Ion selective electrodes role in new research | Contact experts in Sensors to get answers
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Questions related to Sensors
I want to know about how easy it to get sensor data from smartphones in real-time and analyse using deep learning models.
07 July 2019 5,013 3 View
Can use Passive Wireless RFID Sensor to know location of part ?
07 July 2019 8,282 3 View
Hi, I am designing an SMO gas sensor testing system and want to know if control of gas temperature is required. I understand that SMO gas sensors with open-loop heating elements will be impacted...
07 July 2019 1,168 2 View
Hi! I want to know whether any computing nodes are available between fog node and its sensors? and What are intelligent resources are available between fog node and sensors?
07 July 2019 5,188 1 View
I have YSI sensors in a lake I am monitoring, which feed chlorophyll and phycocyanin readings to me on a regular basis. Awhile back I noticed a spike in the phycocyanin reading. As the peak was...
07 July 2019 233 3 View
I am look forward the various answers about the "benefits of a low loss PCF sensor"
07 July 2019 8,315 4 View
For example, small mammals can trigger a camera with an infrared sensor because these are warm blooded, but perhaps not so for a reptile that is cold blooded. Resolution could be a problem for...
07 July 2019 3,161 7 View
We are trying to detect wire in a confined area and the wire will not always come out in the same orientation.
07 July 2019 3,649 5 View
I am working on the projet on indoor localization but I would like to have a sensors logger for rssi , accelero, gyro that could scan all the visible sensors at the same time t in order to apply...
07 July 2019 3,402 1 View
Keeping in mind the complexity and cost of fabrication of a SAW device, how can we consider it to be a better sensor than other sensors like CSRR and SRR which are easy to fabricate.
07 July 2019 2,405 4 View
I want to design a big machine with 60 sensors and around 30 motors, i want them to interact with each other . Which Controller is the best to use for this machine ? I want a fast controller and i...
07 July 2019 2,672 3 View
Thanks for your time for me. My query is on finding out the (X,Y) coordinate of an IMU (Using 6050 MPU) mounted object (Without any GPS). While performing the task we are getting fluctuating...
04 July 2019 3,458 1 View
I have a process which uses ambient air to remove moisture from the product. Air comes in one side and moves out on the other side. The vessel is 1 ton batch.
06 June 2019 8,654 6 View
I need an RTOS for the implementation of inertial sensors, communications, processing and control.
06 June 2019 945 2 View
I have a signal acquired from a sensor and I want to identify the type of noise present in it and whether there is noise present in it or not.
06 June 2019 9,585 2 View
where is the sensor data file loacated in rpl protocol code in contiki os ?
06 June 2019 4,022 2 View
Is it going to impact the knock sensor and reduce its lifespan?
06 June 2019 5,487 4 View
Dear expert, I want to create the cluster and able to update as well as merge the cluster data automatically on dealing with unbalanced and non-spherical data. Can you suggest the efficient...
06 June 2019 1,420 7 View
What is the size of soil particles (in France) that fly with the wind or the passage of motocross, forming dust? How can we assess the quantity of these particles (is a PM10 sensor sufficient)?...
06 June 2019 2,177 1 View
We need to create a topology map in a project. We will mount the GPS module, camera and lidar sensor onto the drone. Is there a GPS module that you can offer for this purpose?
20 May 2019 5,852 3 View
Needed a help! Recently I have purchased a US0014-001 sensor (Datasheet: ) it has only two wires. Unable to interface it with any kind...
05 May 2019 2,011 1 View
Is the rolling shutter in the DJI Mavic 2 Pro a problem for SfM reconstruction? Would I just need to use a relatively high shutter speed to avoid issues or am I better off with a Phantom 4 Pro or...
05 May 2019 8,831 3 View
Is there any way we can substitute the prism that is used in refractometers. For example, introduce other components like lenses or sensors instead of a prism? An idea which could be tried? Could...
05 May 2019 8,130 3 View
For humidity sensing purpose we use many humidity detection techniques as Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW), Field Effect Transistor (FET), Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM), Impedance, Resistance and...
05 May 2019 8,689 1 View