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Questions related to Renewable Energy
Hello everyone. I know the style but i don't know its name. I want to use Mendeley. Any better recommendation will be highly appreciated. regards
04 March 2019 5,863 6 View
Looking for different Practices/ideas that include the following: 1. Energy: Energy conservation methods, Renewable Energy, Smart Monitoring 2. Water: Water management, recycle and reuse 3. Waste:...
20 February 2019 7,748 13 View
I have an ac-dc coupled hybrid mini-grid with multiple (wind and solar) renewable energy sources and I need to control the whole system taking the ac bus as my reference point.
11 February 2019 3,023 3 View
energy crises in the face human demand.
06 February 2019 6,449 7 View
Planning to conduct my masters dissertation on the potential of using energy storage systems to tackle intermittency of renewable energy sources. Any ideas on how to conduct, what to exactly...
30 January 2019 5,125 3 View
I am involved in small project that involves houseload and renewbles like PV , energy storage system & electric vehicle connected to house ! The challenge is to optimize the the load and find...
29 January 2019 2,016 12 View
i am trying to formulate an Economic Dispatch of HVDC transmission with Renewable energies...But unable to come up with biomass cost function. please help
27 January 2019 402 1 View
Failure of a cracked solid is frequently encountered in nature. I am searching for examples of thermoelasticity or elastostatics problems that are encountered in renewable and sustainable energy...
23 January 2019 234 2 View
I know that renewable energy plants generate a clean electric power with no emissions, but manfacturing pv cells and wind turbines using nuclear of fuel based electric power raise a problem, also...
13 January 2019 9,623 10 View
Overexploitation of energies from hydrocarbons (natural gas, oil, ...) pollutes our planet Earth. As a result, the development of renewable energies such as solar energy, wave movement and...
13 January 2019 869 9 View
I realized a system connected to an electricity grid and I would like to know what level of voltage should I produce to inject renewable energy into the grid? would it be an cascaded H-bridge...
11 January 2019 4,565 3 View
Planning a system like a farm, how to calculate which sustainable energy could have the smallest CO2 impact? Thank you.
21 December 2018 1,381 5 View
I am looking for ideas on what topics I can do for 6 months (short master thesis) in Spain. Can anyone help me with the topic I can do in related with policy of sustainability, renewable energy,...
19 December 2018 2,525 9 View
I am looking for recent articles in the field of renewable energies applied to the smart farm
14 December 2018 9,903 3 View
Hello, I'm modelling my own grid in matpower to calculate the optimal power flow (opf). The thing is my grid has WT, PV & batteries in them along with the conventional generators. Does anyone...
13 December 2018 9,618 2 View
I am starting a research on grid optimisation through reduced energy demand at residential level. Need some guidance in terms of practical information and methods to acheive it.
07 December 2018 8,967 6 View
What are the typical communication speeds between a SCADA Master and an RTU at each turbine in a wind farm to ensure reliability of turbine control, considering turbine's mechanical response time...
02 December 2018 4,320 1 View
You are kindly invited to read this paper and share your opinion with me. As PDF: OR...
30 November 2018 4,056 4 View
People are using solar electricity with other renewable energy sources. PKL electricity is a Biomass electricity. Do you like to use this PKL electricity instead of Solar Photo voltaic electricity?
29 November 2018 2,026 2 View
The question arises mainly because traditionally the rotor-angle stability is defined for power systems with large rotating machines. But in LV system with large distributed generation, what we...
28 November 2018 4,727 13 View
AoA Researchers I want to carry on my research with research theme is ‘The influence of renewable energy consumption on economic growth’. Here economic growth will be measured by GDP and data is...
13 November 2018 8,465 2 View
According to β method MPPT, β is given by the following formula β=ln(Ipv/Vpv)-c*Vpv=ln(I0*c) where I0 = reverse saturation current, c=diode constant given by C=q/(k*T* η *Ns) q=electronic charge...
07 November 2018 3,717 2 View
More and more research centers operating in different countries and investigating climate change state that the progressing greenhouse effect on Earth is already a fact. As a result, the risk of...
05 November 2018 2,023 35 View
I've previously performed the slow pyrolysis process with and without presence of H2O (steam-pyrolysis), however I,ve observed that this addition, can directly affects the amount and composition...
02 November 2018 4,536 6 View