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Questions related to Renewable Energy
We need to maximize the utilization of solar energy in greenhouses .
11 November 2014 6,040 8 View
Most of the large wind turbine (above 1 MW) manufacturers use PMSG or EESG with direct drive WEC's. Are there any working models using IG with direct drive systems?
20 October 2014 4,873 2 View
I wanted to justify dairy farmers to establish a bio-gas digester in an inside nutrient cycling (INC) system?
10 October 2014 2,885 26 View
The devices that I will be building need power sources which are non-conventional and should have miniaturized sizing to enable fitting to a number of devices. Some examples of energy sources that...
10 October 2014 5,041 5 View
Any suggestions on how to measure an air velocity of 40-100 cm/sec.
10 October 2014 4,017 9 View
Presently I am studying a floating offshore wind turbine in South China Sea for which I need wind speed data record for normal and extreme conditions. Please let me know if anyone has it or where...
10 October 2014 5,167 5 View
CHP =combined heat and power for more inefficiency.
10 October 2014 2,014 9 View
Recycling technologies for the processing of urban waste are being continuously improved. Currently, more than 30% of MSW generated in the United States is recycled annually. The United States has...
10 October 2014 2,740 32 View
Technical effects of renewable energy such as PV or wind energy systems connection to the power grid
09 September 2014 2,357 5 View
I am doing one new study about brazilian market of small wind and I would like to know about others similar studies from others countries, mainly USA, UK and China.
09 September 2014 3,432 1 View
I need some economic data of a typical small-scale Wind Power Plant (WPP) (e.g. 1MW up to 10MW) especially its Capital Cost and Operating and Maintenance Costs.
09 September 2014 517 11 View
Phd research area
09 September 2014 7,211 0 View
Recent changes in energy policy in Spain, and in particular, the change in support for renewables may have created a high level of uncertainty that could slows the deployment of this type of energies.
09 September 2014 2,853 1 View
I am looking for papers focused on the reliability of these systems and their sizing to avoid unmet load demand. It would be interesting if economic issues are also discussed (regarding the...
09 September 2014 3,506 5 View
We have heard about most common bird fatalities due to collisions with wind turbines. Over the last couple of years, there have been a number of reports detailing the impact wind farms have on...
09 September 2014 3,347 9 View
Renewable energy is typically generated when it is not necessarily needed: solar power is produced when sky is clear mostly at noon, wind power is fluctuating and is highly dependent upon the...
09 September 2014 1,123 19 View
I want to research about hybrid renewable energy as my final Msc project anyone can suggest me good topic about renewable hybrid network?
08 August 2014 1,893 0 View
Deepak Agarwal, Lokesh Kumar, Avinash Kumar Agarwal,Performance evaluation of a vegetable oil fuelled compression ignition engine Renewable Energy; 33 (2008): 1147–1156
08 August 2014 9,160 3 View
Can anyone provide me or send me the PhD theses for Hybrid Renewable energy systems design using HOMER?
08 August 2014 5,299 2 View
Explain how we can use pv based energy management for more intelligent energy use in household
08 August 2014 9,346 5 View
If possible, kindly tell me any link or book related to this.
08 August 2014 9,015 6 View
How does one remove volatile matter from carbon black generated through tire pyrolysis?
07 July 2014 334 4 View
I want to know what is the maximum solar irradiance (W/meter square) in India and when do we get solar irradiation of 1000 W/meter square.
07 July 2014 2,967 4 View
How can one get the load demand data for importing the same in a HOMER software for renewable energy modeling? Can we use random data or we have to monitor it for a year or else do we have to get...
07 July 2014 975 9 View